Monday, October 19, 2009

Dethalbum II - Dethklok

A new breed of music has emerged my friends, or shall I say a new way of life has emerged; Spearheaded by the most influential cultural force ever to grace the ground that we walk on. I speak of course of the most brutal, most metal band ever... Dethklok.

On September 28, of the year 2009, the Dethalbum II was released to the general public. Upon release, I among millions of others clamored to get our hands on the most coveted metal album ever, since the release of the Dethalbum I. Clawing at the faces off of my adversaries, wading through bloodied pestilence to go forth and get my fucking metal album - Let me say this album transcends age groups, races, religions, and continents by way of the double-peddle bass drum... and hate. It is the absolute fucking be-all-end-all of music - literally.

The first track Bloodlines is a clear indication that this album features an evolved form of metal, varying greatly from the first Dethalbum. This new brand of deth moves towards a complex, more in-depth and creative form of deth metal, Dethklok shows real diversity, ranging from the blackest darkest hallows of creation to the most bloodied brutal forms of artistic homicide.

I track my history (all the way back to the heathen traces of blood-hatred-dethcestors)
Bloody burned family tree (fucking awesome)
Native blood runs in me
Murderous tendencies (after listening to the album, I feel these same tendencies)

Keep bloodlust away (why?)
Keep violence at bay (seriously?)
Can't deny genetics (oh, he was just kidding)
Cannibal DNA (courses through our veins)

This album clearly is the beginnings of a new world order, a new way of life, the metal way of life. The band seeks to move past metal, to move past dethmetal and create a new genre of entertainment, rape-pillage-infinity-suffering metal, that will be the prevailing force of a generation. In someway or another life as we know it is entirely over, thanks to the brutality that lies within us all, and it will be let out by the medium known as Dethklok.

My brothers and sisters, the Metalocalypse has begun, it started with hell forged guitar chords, and it will end with the removal of any opponents spinal chords. The prevailing forces of hate will see that this music is in the hearts and minds of every man woman and child; bringing forth the fire that exists in us all.

This monsterpiece leaves you on the floor, clutching what remains of your now tattered flesh hungry soul. Knowing that at any moment now, it will be time to go out and feast, to your black heart's content on whatever awaits you, be it the tissue of politicians or the veritable mountain of discarded infants found outside of your local baby-Dethalbum II-exchange-depot. Whatever that may be, it is time to let the Cyborg Slayers into your home and diiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee.