Thursday, April 1, 2010

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in comparison to...

I know this game has been out for some time now, but the only reason that I am getting to it now is because I started playing it a little late but more importantly because I haven't wanted to do anything else (including writing shitty blogs) since I started playing it.

Single Player Campaign:
It's pretty garbage. Lame story line. Lame characters. Sorta ok maps and stuff. Lame ending. Sorta ok AI I guess... whatever. Airport level was a total letdown, I felt like there were roughly 3 character models for the whole level.

Online Multiplayer:
Let me put it this way: This term I am taking probably 2 of the most difficult classes I have taken so far in my whole education, both are economics courses. Recently I had a midterm in each class, both of which I studied my ass off for. In one class I passed (I did not expect to at all), in the other I got well above the class average. Both of these were significant achievements for me because I really didn't feel like either would happen, needless to say I felt pretty great after I saw my grades. Not to be outdone however, in Modern Warfare 2 I played a game that I had 31 kills and 4 deaths... not only did I feel way more awesome/smart/goodlooking/badass/goodlooking after that, but I also got a new gun and a new rank. The point I am trying to make is that Infinity Ward and Activision have given me a satisfaction beyond anything I could manage in essentially any other aspect of my life.

I have considered that these realizations might say a lot about me as a person, that my priorities are sincerely out of whack. Well fuck that, I have no reason to care about my priorities at this point because I don't give a shit problems like that anymore. All I need to do is turn on the old 360 and play me some fucking COD. It is my fix; that little "+100" that pops up on my screen after a kill, it just melts everything else away.

Post Script:
I will be purchasing the Stimulus Package map pack to be released today (thursday). I understand that $15 might be a little pricey, but fuck who say it is "shockingly expensive". The fact is when the Halo 3 legendary map pack released it was $12.50 for three maps and we all bought that shit, so quit your fuckin' bitching.