Thursday, April 1, 2010

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in comparison to...

I know this game has been out for some time now, but the only reason that I am getting to it now is because I started playing it a little late but more importantly because I haven't wanted to do anything else (including writing shitty blogs) since I started playing it.

Single Player Campaign:
It's pretty garbage. Lame story line. Lame characters. Sorta ok maps and stuff. Lame ending. Sorta ok AI I guess... whatever. Airport level was a total letdown, I felt like there were roughly 3 character models for the whole level.

Online Multiplayer:
Let me put it this way: This term I am taking probably 2 of the most difficult classes I have taken so far in my whole education, both are economics courses. Recently I had a midterm in each class, both of which I studied my ass off for. In one class I passed (I did not expect to at all), in the other I got well above the class average. Both of these were significant achievements for me because I really didn't feel like either would happen, needless to say I felt pretty great after I saw my grades. Not to be outdone however, in Modern Warfare 2 I played a game that I had 31 kills and 4 deaths... not only did I feel way more awesome/smart/goodlooking/badass/goodlooking after that, but I also got a new gun and a new rank. The point I am trying to make is that Infinity Ward and Activision have given me a satisfaction beyond anything I could manage in essentially any other aspect of my life.

I have considered that these realizations might say a lot about me as a person, that my priorities are sincerely out of whack. Well fuck that, I have no reason to care about my priorities at this point because I don't give a shit problems like that anymore. All I need to do is turn on the old 360 and play me some fucking COD. It is my fix; that little "+100" that pops up on my screen after a kill, it just melts everything else away.

Post Script:
I will be purchasing the Stimulus Package map pack to be released today (thursday). I understand that $15 might be a little pricey, but fuck who say it is "shockingly expensive". The fact is when the Halo 3 legendary map pack released it was $12.50 for three maps and we all bought that shit, so quit your fuckin' bitching.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Insult (Part III): why i'm so pissed off, and why you should be too.

One thing that I think everyone who owns an Apple product including myself should be willing to admit is that they have paid for a brand, that they have sacrificed some technological value in the pursuit of being trendy. I think that most people would tend to agree that Apple really puts the cunt in cuntsumer electronics, but despite these unfortunate realizations that we all have come to, some of us are still loyal customers. We understand that we are being told to buy a product because it is the cool thing to do, and by the grace of our lord and savior Jesus (Steve Jobs) Christ we shell out our life savings to buy those products. The upside about the Apple products, despite being overpriced and underdeveloped, is that they generally get the job done. By that I mean the laptops compute stuff pretty good, the iPods play music pretty good, the apple TV... TV's pretty good and so on. So why am I so upset right now? Because the iPad does not do anything good except making its owner look like a complacent consumerist whore. My friends, we are being told to buy a product that has clearly had little effort put into its creation. It should be clear that Apple did not listen to any of the thousand of thoughts that its eager followers voiced.

But fine, lets not even worry about that stuff anymore. Let's take a quick look at the pricing of the iPad so we can just stop talking about this POS and move on to more fun topics. With the absolute base model of the iPad being far from affordable at a whopping $500 you can see why I might be a little upset when Apple is telling us to buy a piece of worthless technology with our entire yearly bonus checks. So what do you get for 500 bones? You get a pathetic 16gig solid state hard drive, a 1 GHz processor and a shitty half-assed operating system. Oh but wait, for $10 each you can also get iWork apps, so that you can make your word docs, slide-show presentations, and spreadsheets on your iPod touch iPad. WHAT THE FUCK!? Why would you want to do work on a tablet?

Moving on... We can see that the most expensive model of the iPad is $700. With that kind of price tag you might be thinking you get a 320GB HD, and maybe a better processor, and god forbid you ask for a real operating system. Well you don't get any of those things. Instead you get a "massive" 64Gb HD, with the same processor and operating system as the bass model. One optional upgrade for all the models is 3G capability, which can be all yours for an additional $130. Cool, so the top of the line iPad is actually not the top of the line, the real top of the line iPad is $830 not including tax, and not including Apple Care warranty. During his keynote presentation Jobs said that Apple wanted the iPad and the data plans to affordable to that anyone could partake in blind consumerism.

For $15 a month you get (before you go on to read what you get I just want to say this is what really put me over the edge) 250Mb. So if you use your handy built-in youtube application (because you can't download adobe flash player because it doesn't have a real operating system) you'll go over your data plan with in 84 minutes of streaming video.

And for $30 a month you get an unlimited data plan. That is $30 on top of your other plans: internet service plan, your cell phone plan, your smart phone data plan and your cable tv subscription. So kudos on spending more money on something that you already have... A FUCKING IPHONE.

So I guess with these last three blogs, what I'm really trying to say is... fuck you John Ive (senior vice president of design), fuck you Scott Forstall (senior vice president iphone software), and most of all fuck you Steve Jobs you disgust me.

Additional thoughts as they come to me:
1. The first time you drop the iPad, the glass screen will shatter.
2. For $370 you can get the Asus Eee PC 1005PE with a160 GB hard drive, a 1.66 GHz Intel atom processor, comparable battery life, and Windows 7 (a real OS).
3. By purchasing the iPad you are literally engaging in fellatio with all the Apple top execs.

A note to my regular readers:
I'm sorry these posts have not really been amusing, I just wasn't prepared for the spectacular letdown that was the iPad. Anyways, if you are truly upset, you can suck my dick.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Insult (Part II): the tech side

Preface: I wan't to say that this post is not a like most of my regular posts. This is just what I think and I recognize that I have not made any effort to make this post entertaining in anyway. I'm just pissed of and I wanted to say legitimately what I think about this product.

So we've all had a little bit of time to digest the spectacular failure that is the iPad. We all know that at some point Apple would be unveiling their new tablet; there were countless rumors on the web about what it would look like, what software it would support, what the tech specs would be, what its primary purpose would be, and the obvious question: what ridiculous price tag Apple slap on it. Most of those questions and more were answered during the iPad's keynote presentation.

Job's finally unveiled the iPad (pulled a sweatshirt off of it) about 30 minutes into the presentation. My first thought: "is that a 4:3 aspect ratio screen?" and with a closer look my fears were confirmed "it is a 4:3 screen... fuck". However even after the first disappointment I decided I would wait to hear the full story before I made any significant judgments, but things really did not get better from that point on.

Things really started to get hairy when Jobs began to talk about the technical aspects of this "magical" gizmo. First of all, the iPad does not run a real operating system, it essentially runs the same mobile software as the iPod touch. This means that it can only really run one application at once, but hey, when you can "even change the background photo" on the home-screen who gives a shit how many applications you can run at the same time.

At this point things really started to get disappointing. Since the iPad runs a mobile operating system because it is a"(mobile device" it can only run programs that are specifically made for it, much like the iPod touch. This means that (just like the iPod touch) the only applications that you will be able to put on your iPad will be coming straight from the App store, which you can conveniently access from your iPad. You might be asking yourself: how will third parties be able to program new apps for the iPad if they have no way of knowing how to develop software for a new kind of mobile operating system? OH FUCK THATS RIGHT! Apple is providing developers with a FREE software development kit (SDK)!!! WOW, thanks Apple, now we can write shitty apps that will be sold exclusively from the App store, meaning you can take the majority of the royalties earned from each purchase because there is nowhere else for us to sell our product. Oh hey... just like the App store for the iPod touch.

Jobs began the keynote asking the audience, "What could we make that is in between a laptop, and a smart phone (the iPhone)? Some would say a netbook." Jobs went on to say that Apple was not releasing a netbook because it was just a cheap shittier underpowered version of a laptop that runs "bad" PC software... which is true. But that's not too say that the iPad is better in any respect. It is far more expensive than most netbooks (we'll take a closer look at the pricing later on). It is equivalent or less powerful than most netbooks, running a
1GHz Apple A4 custom-designed processor. But what really gets to me about that statement is the "bad PC software" bit. Most netbooks run one of two operating systems. Usually they are either linux based or they run Windows XP, both of which are REAL FUCKING OPERATING SYSTEMS. The iPad on the other hand does not run a real operating system, and thus it is a toy.

As I said before, I have never been more insulted by a product in my life.
Please, I beg of you. Do to not buy the piece of shit.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Insult (Part I)

Hey everyone,
when was the last time your buddy asked you, "Hey man I have this crazy-fucking cool new toy that I think you'll really wanna buy from me, wanna see it?!" and you're like "Shit yes, I wanna see it!" and it turns out that your friend's 'cool new toy' was a piece of plywood with dog shit smeared all over it. The last time that happened to me was yesterday, January 27th, 2010, when Steve Jobs presented the general public with his keynote presentation of the iPad, Apple's new tablet.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with tech trends, a tablet is mobile "slate shaped" computer, and the iPad is Apple's version of the tablet. So let's first look at the pros of the iPad.

It looks ok: Alright so it looks okay I guess. What else could it have looked like though? It's a large iPod touch, I can't imagine who saw that one coming.

Pay as you go data: We'll see how long this promise stands up, but if it does, the contract-less pay as you go data plan is nice.

Even if you have had two fingers amputated you can still count all the pros on one hand: That includes this pro.

And now... Ladies and Gentleman, put your hands together for what you've all been waiting for, Andrew's critical look at the iPad:


First off, let me admit to something, since apple released the first generation of the iMac, I have always admired the aesthetic quality of most of their products. In my life, I have owned two apple computers: the iBook G4 and the black MacBook with the Core 2 duo processor. The iBook was okay i guess. It crapped out on me after about 3 years, and 2 new batteries, and I have been pretty happy with my MacBook minus the shitty case quality. In my life I have owned more than a few iPods: the first generation iPod mini, the 20gb black and white screen iPod classic, the second generation iPod photo, the first generation iPod video, the second generation iPod nano, and I bought the third generation iPod nano for my Dad's birthday a few years back (I also plan on purchasing the newest iPod classic because my video was stolen). Through out my iPod ownerships I have taken a number of them back to the Apple store to get them replaced for "lacking battery power" or random other problems (scratched screens). So over the years I have had a countless number of new iPods, I literally have no idea and throughout that time I have been relatively satisfied with all of them. They all preformed in the ways that what I wanted them to, although it would be nice if they could have supported .flac music content, but I digress. On top of all the Macs and iPods I still am using my second generation iPhone (unlocked for Canadian use, with no data plan). What I am trying to say with all of this; is that I know my apple products. I wouldn't consider myself an Apple fanboy (my desktop and primary computer is a PC with Windows 7*) but if someone were to call me a fanboy because of the money I have so delightfully shoveled into Steve Jobs' pockets I couldn't argue. So as someone who has been a relatively loyal customer to Apple, I must say that I have never been more insulted by a single product in my entire life.

So friends, let's do it. In the next three blogs here on PartyandBullshoot, amongst a number of surprise topics, we will tear this piece of shit product and its creator a gaping new asshole.

*I just want to take this opportunity to say how happy I am with Windows 7. This is what Vista should have been, and I am happy Microsoft saw the error of their ways and put a little more effort into the creation of the products they have decided to sell me, also the Zune HD looks pretty nice, I would suggest that over an iPod touch.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Assassin's Creed II and Avatar (the movie)

Hello Friends

Just about an hour ago I finished Assassin's Creed II, so I have decided the subject of this week's music blog will not be about music. This week's theme will be gaming.

As I said earlier I just beat Assassin's Creed II, you might be asking yourself right now "I wonder if Andrew liked Assassin's Creed II?" Well here is your answer amigos. I thought it was pretty good... not great... not the worst game I have ever played... pretty good. One thing that I have noticed as I progress into old age is that my tolerance for the quality of video games has reached a new level of snootiness. I will no longer simply plop myself in front of the TV for 3 days and grind through any old RPG or adventure game. In fact, for the most part, I really don't like most of the games that I play. Something about them just seems so commercial and forced, but then again, I don't like anything anymore. Lets take for example James Cameron's epic, Avatar. This fucking movie was supposed to be the Jesus of movies. It was supposed to come out and bust the most "I have seen the future of movies, and it is Avatar," cumload in all of our faces. And for some of you out there it really did just pop some nut right in your eye... in 3D Imax. But for me, the uptight, unable to be impressed by anything, stick-up-my-ass Seattle-ite, I simply was not wowed. I seem to recall leaving the theatre understanding that I was just entertained, but in a way that was sincerely lacking any sort of luster. I know that I was not supposed to be impressed by the story, that it is a simple tale of love and acceptance, but seriously, it really was just the least creative waist of thirteen dollars I think I have seen since I purchased a one month subscription to What I'm trying to say is clearly you can't trust any of my judgments, because although I am in the "prime of my life", I have the creative patience of a cranky eighty-four-year-old man named Saul.

However all of that said, I actually enjoyed playing Assassin's Creed II. Many of the reviews prior to release claimed that the game was what the first one should have been, and that after playing, you would be supremely satisfied. I wholeheartedly agree, Assassin's Creed II is what Assassin's Creed should have been. The combat was fucking awesome, maybe a little artificial looking, and I could have used a lot more gore, but beggars can't be choosers. The free-running in the game is fantastic, and is essentially a game in-itself. To me the graphics where basically the same which seems to be the general consensus. However the basic premise was equally as nauseating as the first game (I always thought the foundation of the game should have been based on assassins, not the "Animus" and whatever ridiculous storyline goes along with that), and there were even a few aspects that I thought were worse, most notably the horrendous dialogue crossed with the foodcourt-itialian accents that all the characters seemed to have. But in all fairness, my main criticism to the first game, as was everyone's main criticism, was the mind numbing repetitiveness, and I will say this game was able to decrease the level of repetitiveness, which allowed for some fun to seep through the cracks.

My thoughts on the game according to this post would suggest that you probably shouldn't buy this game. On the contrary however, I suggest that you do buy this game, and on top of buying it, I suggest you play it all the way through (the end of the game makes the premise of the animus almost tolerable). In conclusion I honestly believe this is technically the best single player game I have played.

Also since this is a music blog, I will comment on the music in the game... not great. I suggest turning the music sound levels all the way down and substituting them with Black Sabbath, preferably Paranoid, and if you can manage to get War Pigs to come on during the final mission, you might just cream your pants in the way James Cameron intended you to do when Sam Worthington successfully transformed from a human to a smurf.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stories from Addiction

"I believe that God has planted in every heart the desire to live in freedom."
George W. Bush

Hello America, This Party and Bullshoot, I'm Ira Glass

Today we bring you a blog post, a blog post that is a little different from what we normally do here, this story is brought to you by one of your contributing editors Andrew, here he is ...

Let us speak honestly for a moment. How many of us have been, or have been close to someone with a real addiction? Generally on this blog, we tend to goof around a little, generally on this blog we speak in a sarcastic tone, a tone of mockery, a tone of cynicism, but not today friends. We bring you a story of someone who like some of you, has felt the pain of addiction, who like some of you have seen the hardships that befall a loved-one when addiction runs their life.

This is the story of my life, the life of an addict.

It all started around two years ago, maybe little more. I don't remember anymore which one of my friends introduced me to that shit. I can only imagine what the situation must have been like. We must have been sitting in a circle around the television. One of my friends would have looked up from his computer with visibly red eyes, twitching slightly. "Hey do you guys want to trip for a bit?" he would've asked. I would have looked at him, and pretended to act like I wasn't afraid to ask what kind of new devilry he would bestow upon our already muddled perceptions of reality. I know now that I should have been more afraid.
The way we lived our lives from that point on was appalling by even the lowest of standards. We floundered around in our own filth, spending most of our days in bed, sometimes not leaving our rooms for days at a time, only leaving to share it with one another. I remember wondering what happened to large chunks of my day, hours that all but vanished to my memory. These memories (or lack there of) leave a hollow feeling in your mind. Knowing that during those times of your life, you are little more than a lifeless being, you contribute nothing to your own life or the life of anyone else. You are an addict now.

These are the diaries/blogspot entrys of a 19 year old boy who only wanted to be a music blogger, but fell to the pressure of the internet culture that is StumbleUpon.
(None of the text in any of these posts has been changed from its original manuscript, I copy and pasted them)


Sound Track from Assassin's Creed II - A look at the functionality of music in the functionality of a growing culture

I want to talk this week about the music in modern video games.

The experience that developers want to give in most modern games is that of total immersion, they want to you to feel in the game. Part of this task means that the music of the game that you are playing pulls you into the action what is happening on your screen. In the epic gaming experience that Assissn's Creed the soundtrack certainly


The Empyrean - John Frusciante

As a life long Chilis lover I've grown up listening to Frusciante's whining guitar on some of the most influential and greatest rock tracks of of my generation (if you disagree, you may stop reading my blog at any time). Being a hard core Red Hot Chili Peppers fan means that I have looked into the side projects of the members. Be it Flea's odd projects, or Chad's super group Chicken Foot. However the most likely work to stumble across is John's solo career. Prior to the Empyrean Frusciante had released ten solo albums, all of which were noticably more experimental than those of the Chilis. Many with haunting whaling vocals, and odd yet inventive guitar pieces. Clearly these albums saw influence from the hardcore state that Frusciante was in dude to heavy drug usage including heroin and crack. Frusciante allowed for imperfections in many of his albums, out of tune guitars, off pitch vocals, etc. However in his later solo albums he said he wanted to make things as perfect as he possibly could, this could not be more clear with The Empyrean.

I must say that this album is one of the few recently released pieces of music that I can listen to start to finish. It is for lack of a better term fucking brilliant. The album begins with a nine minute instrumental track that is merely a showcase of the unbelievable talent that this man possesses with axe in hand. Clearly drawing influence from Frank Zappa, this album although psychedelic and trippy offers musical perfection that is borderline heavenly.

Featuring an out of the ordinary folk-esque vocal style that fits perfectly with the background melodies that Frusciante supplies via guitar and other forms of ... shit im gunna finish writing this piece of shit review later.

III. My Favorite Album of 2009

Sometimes I like to put on my headphones and I just can't fucking write a goddamn blog...
Stumble Fucking Video

Good news everyone, I'm back from my blog-hiatus, I've been sober for 4 days now and counting. See you out there.
(Cue in Don't You Forget About Me by Simple Minds)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Modest Mouse Review (I've got more gigs of music than you do)

We all like to call ourselves music lovers, to believe that we have an ear for that gem of a song. But how do you distinguish really, are you a true connoisseur? Or a simpleton-just one of the masses? I like to think that I am one of the lucky few who not only possesses the palate for not one but several forms of art. One could say that I am roughly two to two-and- a-half times more cultured than you are. Generally if someone thinks they know more about anything than me, I can simply demonstrate my knowledge by spouting endless trivia, demonstrating my intelligence. I once found out that Dark Side of the Moon and The Wizard of Oz sync up perfectly with each other.

So now that we've established my credentials, I'd like to talk about an extremely obscure indie band that I found and thus would like to take credit for any music they have ever made. I am talking about a group known as Modest Mouse. Hailing from an obscure suburb of Seattle (my home town) Modest Mouse captured the sound of Seattle I would say better than anyone since that band with the one guy who killed himself a while ago.

Anyways this band is pretty good I guess, but the fact that only an elite few of music aficionados bother to listen, the indicator that you're onto something special. The experience of listening to such independent music is sublime (Sublime is another relatively obscure band that I found, that's why I put the word sublime in this thread, so that I could demonstrate to you that not only do I know of obscure music but maybe if you've heard of them before, than you know i have really good taste in music. two birds with one stone kinda thing).

When you find a band like this that nobody has ever really heard of, not only do you get to show off, but you can identify with the other select individuals. I personally identify with and look up to a previously obscure actor Zach Braff. Before writing and directing one of the most independent and influential films in recent history, the young Braff lent his hand in the creation and production of a pretty obscure television series know as Scurbs. The afore mentioned film happens to be known as Garden State. This film is for me not only an amazing story, but also a fantastic way to showcase a little known band called The Shins. However I am sorry to say my friends that I am in fact a bit envious of Mr. Braff. You see he was able to spread his knowledge of an unknown band with the entire world, something us regular old bloggers only dream of.

As I sit in my local, fair trade, coffee shop, Starbucks Coffee Co. typing on my apple laptop I'd like to say, fuck-off, to all the over jealous jerks that have problems with people like me and Zach Braff. Just because you are willing to stand up for you and your ignorant friends and say "You are a stinky festering pussy, nobody cares what indie rock you listen to, or how much music in you're iTunes library. Just shut your fucking mouth... now,"... doesn't mean that one of us won't stand up for ourselves. You're just cranky because you're jealous of my American Apparel hoody.

I thought that song Float On was really great!